
Handmade Originality Pledge

Join us and take a stand against copying in the handmade industry!

Follow the link to our blog post "Handmade Originality in an Online World". If you agree, sign your pledge in the comments, then grab the badge coding and add it to your blog or website.  You can also write about it on Facebook and Twitter to tell your customers that you support handmade originality!
This pledge is NOT retrospective. If people who have copied in the past wish to make amends, change their ways and take the pledge, I whole heartedly invite them to participate. This is about drawing a line in the sand HERE AND NOW; and moving forwards with the right intentions and behaviour!
FOLLOW THE CONVERSATION: Blogger Angela of Yes, Dear has gone on to provide the customer's perspective on this topic after reading this blog post. A very interesting read. Please take a few more minutes to click through and read on.

Pledges are welcome from around the world; just be sure to tell us where you are from if not from Australia!

Handmade Originality Pledge