
Monday, August 6, 2012

{Blogging 101} Why do I need a Blog?

You’ve heard that blogging is good for business. That voice inside your head begs to differ.

Do these sound familiar?

1)  It’s extra time away from creating.
2)  My life is already busy enough.
3)  Every man and his dog has a blog.
4)  I'm not that sure I have that much to say.

We're here to explain in simple terms why having a blog is important?

You need a blog for the BENEFITS:

benefits to blogging for newbie beginner bloggers

HUMANIZE your brand. People love storytelling and being able to relate to others.

People prefer to buy from those they know and TRUST. If people already know your face, then simply keep the relationship alive.

VISIBILITY. A blog is a place for people to connect with your voice & images.

Powerful tool for real time DISCUSSION with your community.

BE FOUND. Appear in search engine ranking.

A blog is a LOW COST marketing device.

SIMPLICITY. Setting up a blog is much easier than setting up a web page.

Gain EXPERT STATUS. Chances are you know your stuff. Sharing some know-how or tips, people will realise what a gem you are.

PROFESSIONALISM. Handing out business cards and saying “I don’t have a web site yet” sounds lame. I've heard this too many times. Today there is no excuse not to have an online presence. It is social proof that you ‘get’ social media.

BOOST TRAFFIC. Fresh content may inspire people to visit your store.

Blogs are great example of CONTENT MANAGEMENT Systems.  You'll have the ability to appeal to all readers preferences; text, video, audio, pdf, etc.

RESEARCH. Blogging allows you to work out what is popular with your readers. You can conduct polls to get to know your audience and their preferences. Test ideas with your community.

You can respond to negative press and MANAGE your reputatoin. I’m reminded of, 'be so awesome that people will never believe a bad word about you’. If there is a crisis to manage, you can put the fires out on your blog.

POINT OF DIFFERENCE. Chance to show what makes you so special and different.

You can blog about common customer questions with a Q & A section or various blog posts.

Be a NETWORKER. Opportunity to bond with other bloggers, attend blogging conferences. Blog connections can lead to suppliers or partnerships.

SELF EXPRESSION and fulfilment. Blogging is a fun way to explore what you do, and why you do it.  

MEDIA / PR attention. A tweet or facebook status probably won’t attract the attention of reporters. A tweet with a great blog post attached has a better chance.

How do the benefits stack up? 

If all of a sudden you find yourself curious about blogging, stay tuned for our Blogging 101 series. We'll answer some of the common blogging questions, and help you avoid rookie mistakes.

CHA Blogging 101 Series: 
Week 1: Why do I need a Blog?
Week 2: How to start
Week 3: Rookie mistakes to avoid
Week 4: Content & Topics
Week 5: Photos can grow your audience
Week 6: Where do I find readers?
Week 7: If you build it, they will come
Week 8: Technical Stuff

CHA Contemporary Handmade Guest Writer
Jeanie is a curvy, accessory loving, blogger. Exploring colour and style to suit a plus size. Jeanie encourages you to be you. Jeanie is for positive body confidence, and wishes all women would feel beautifully confident. Jeanie also gets her geek on with blogging, photography, & photoshop.

Visit Jeanie at or follow her on Facebook.

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