Saturday, March 24, 2012

Missing Pieces: Mad 'About' You

Source: via Rebecca on Pinterest

Congratulations you have your own website!  Which you have either put together yourself or hired someone to do it for you.  Like me, you most likely have spent a lot of time working out all the details including your primary navigation (those buttons on the top or on the side that say Home | About | Services | Contact Us).

So my big question is - What is the content like?
Sure the website looks pretty, but this will only get you so far. Customers, especially those who are choosing to buy handmade, usually want more. From my experience they want to be reassured that they can trust you and feel safe in their purchase.

One way to help them is to have a great 'About Us' page.  This page is sometimes neglected but in fact its just as important as the rest of the pages on your website.

Here is a list of questions I put together, which I think you should consider when reviewing your contact page:
  1. So what does your 'About' page say about you and your business?  
  2. What have you told your buyer about you to make them what to buy your product? 
  3. What have you told your buyer to generate a safe feeling about purchasing your product? 
  4. What have you told your buyer about you to entice them to follow you on Facebook/Titter/etc?
What to include in your 'About' page
A good 'About' page should provide the buyer with an overview of your business, your general location, the benefits of your products, a little ditty about you including your name, why you do what you do and why your skills and accomplishments make your product the one for them.  Remember to talk yourself up - the whole point of the website is to sell your products.

Also add a photo of you, provide links to your social media sites, provide a little thank you at the end and either a link to your contact page or simply re-state your contact info.

But wait there's more!
Remember to add your personality to the page, this isn't a dry mission statement, it your opportunity to let your buyer get to know you and your business a little better. If you are quirky then be quirky, if you are visual then be visual, just be yourself.


Further reading:
10 ways to Mazimize the Power of your About Us Page
15 Key Elements All Top Web Sites Should Have

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