Hello! So you want to know a little more about The Contemporary Handmade Alliance (CHA). Well where do I start ... a long time ago there was a girl called Chicken ...
Okay mucking around aside The Contempoary Handmade Alliance was the brain child of Tania, the creative force behind Chicken Ink Creative. In May 2010 she decided to start the The Contemporary Handmade Alliance's as a blog who's mission was to provide the Australian contemporary crafting community a space through which is shared high quality information. Her aim, and now mine, is to assist and support members in their crafting endeavours, this includes design, development, manufacturing, marketing, packaging and selling of their products, as well as the use of social media, online tools and industry networking. Phew! Thats a lot.
In January 2012 Tania handed over the reigns of the CHA to me, Christine Percy, so she can pursue other crafty adventures. Tania and I had been online friends for a few years now. We virtually met in the talk madeit forum back in 2009 when I first started selling my beanies on madeit.com.au.
So who am I?
Well my name is Christine, I'm married to a lovely man and I have 3 children. We live on the South Coast of NSW. My passion is crochet. I teach people how to crochet at my local wool shop and I also sell my wares online.
I cut my blogging teeth as one of the Co-Editors of the online shopping guide Handmade Cooperative - Australian Handmade 4 Kids, which I am also a member. I also volunteer at my local Information Centre and recently I was accused by a playgroup friend of knowing everyone! Which isn't true, I just know a lot of people.
I have a Bachelor of Business from RMIT Melbourne and before becoming a Mum, small business owner and Blogger I was in business administration and I crocheted occasionally.
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